Thursday, November 25, 2010


LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 27:  Kittens are see...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
A tiny small kitten of gray, played all night, then he slept through the day. His eyes were ignited when small mice were sighted, but they usually escaped in the hay.

A “Fraidey Cat” kitten of yellow, ate a spoonful of tuna with Jell-O. His brother Kareem bought a pink limousine.  A “Fat Cat” no doubt is more mellow.

A white cat with black spots on her back, said a rat was her favorite snack. She would hide in tall grass, till a rodent would pass, then toss him right into her sack.

There was once a stray kitten of brown, who meandered all over the town. One day in panic, depressively manic, she woke up in a hospital gown.

There was a soft playful kitten of white, who could see very well through the night. Her eyes lit the way, so that others could play, because, cats have incredible sight.

A lazy young kitten of red, could never quite roll out of bed. His mother was stern, and she said he must learn, to go to  sleep early instead.

A silver gray kitten with spots, cried aloud when the vet gave him shots. He growled and he hollered, till he finally was collared, now his tummy is tied up in knots.

A soft long-haired kitten with stripes, would often go hunting for snipes. As with many fine kittens, he had fuzzy white mittens, to wear while he handled hot pipes.

A sad little kitten of blue, came from Russia by way of Peru. He was somber and sad, ‘cause his English was bad.  Do you think that is why he’s so blue?

There was an envious kitten of green, who ate a bad smelling sardine. Once down in his tummy, it felt sort of funny!  I hope it won’t injure his spleen!

There was once a bright kitten of orange, who couldn’t rhyme so they just called him Lorange. The sweet clever fellow purrs softly and mellow.  His brother is simply called Jornge.

A black, brown and white cat is rare, especially with extra long hair! But one that I knew, found a fur ball to chew, now she tosses it into the air.

A brown and white brindle I know, slept outside in some very deep snow. He was chilled to the bone as he spoke on the phone, but he really had no place to go!

A fuzzy stray Manx from Duluth, bit a rat but he chipped off a tooth. So he turned and ran south with the rat in his mouth, though he did look a tad bit uncouth!   

A dark seal point from Siam, couldn’t dive, but I know that he swam. He climbed out of the water, to ask his young daughter, to bring  him some tuna and ham.

There’s a chocolate Siamese from the Bronx, who jay-walks when a motorist honks. He was nearly run over at Fifth Street and Dover, near some sleazy and loud honty-tonks.

There was a strange looking cat with no hair, who loved to sleep on a tapestry stair. One Saturday eve, his sharp claws caught my sleeve, and that gave us both a good scare!

A tan laid-back cat from the South, loved to sleep with a rat in his mouth! It was purely organic, but people would panic, and scream, “Get them out of our house!”

An amber feline crossed the line, her bad manners were hard to define. She often would purr when small rodents would stir, and then she would eat eight or nine! 

A striped kitten once had a wish, to eat tuna from her mother’s dish! The kitten was sad when the tuna got mad, but what should we expect from a fish?

A harlequin cat with a sheen, was an exceptionally clever feline. She had a pink nose, and sharp claws on her toes, and she was the neighborhood queen!

A black cat with nine lives found a hive, and is lucky to still be alive! Nearly sealing his fate, of nine lives, he lost eight!  Is that any way to survive?

A spotted cat started to sneeze, from pollen dust dropping from the trees. A sunglass disguise might protect his green eyes, but he caught a bad cold from the breeze

A tortoise shell brindle from Rome, once called the Basilica “Home!” She lived there all winter, had church mice for dinner, and never once answered her phone!

A silver gray Tabby named Nick, drank sodas until he got sick! He lived near a deli, so he had a full belly, and he was quit rapid and quick. 

There was once a big Tomcat named Pete, whose long tail would stretch into the street. On the Fourth of July, an old taxi drove by, now his tail hardly reaches his feet.

A tan longhaired Persian once said, “I would love to wear bows on my head!” She bought ribbons and clips and she painted her lips, and a kerchief she wore was bright red!

A slinky soft calico queen, made the Tomcats all whimper and scream! She walked with a wiggle, meowed with a giggle.  Her demeanor was rude and obscene!

The next time you see a stray cat, bow or curtsey or just tip your hat!  Act kind and be gentle, they are so temperamental.  And remember to never yell “SCAT!”

                 © Copyright 1996 by Gary Minkin,
P.O. Box 3515, Granada Hills CA, 91394
;  (818) 363-2211

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