Thursday, November 25, 2010


Noah cursing Canaan (illustration by Gustave D...Image via Wikipedia
Biblical legend?  History’s fact?
Noah was Wise and had ship-building knack.

He built a sturdy unique little arc, 
then assembled a cast of gene pools in a park.

With heavenly visions of ravenous floods, he foresaw the horror; earth turning to mud.

He finished his arc and at once brought on board, Pairs of all critters he could possibly hoard.

As they finished boarding, the huge cloudbursts came; for forty days solid, the skies emptied rain.

Earth was embalmed in the flood of all time, and covered with water and deep muddy slime.

So, landfall was such a remarkable sight,
after drifting at sea forty full days and nights.

Noah saved pairs of the Earth’s threatened creatures; as oceans receded, land reclaimed its features.

Safe on the Arc where the species survived, then to Mt. Ararat, when at last they arrived.

As they disembarked on this peak of dry land, they stood to applaud this unselfish brave man.

Today, we can see in the wilds or the zoos, some of the species that Noah did choose.    

And that’s why it never does cease to amaze, the story of Noah and earth’s rainiest days!

© Copyright 1996 & 2010 by Gary Minkin.  P.O. Box 3515, Granada Hills, CA 91394; (818) 363-2211

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