Sunday, September 26, 2010


A close-up view of the massive head of a matur...Image via Wikipedia © Copyright 1996 & 2010 by Gary A. Minkin

A pink alligator came slithering by,
with a pig in its mouth, and a twinkling eye!
A swaggering smirk crossed the old ‘gator’s face
but his pinkness I think was a bit out of place!

The pig had turned blue as it squirmed in its jaw,
so when the big ‘gator sneezed, can you guess what I saw?
That sent the pig sailing for more than a yard,
and he hit the ground running, though he landed quite hard.

The big ‘gator scrambled, got right on his tail.
the last time I saw them, they were running like heck!
when the noise and the dust had all settled back down,
I couldn’t find either, though I looked all around.

Then I heard on the news and I read in the papers,
the brave little pig pulled some gnarly capers.
He hid near a bush till the ‘gator passed near.
then he knocked him out cold with a frothy root beer!

The ‘gator was stunned and slid back to his lair,
and that little blue pig did a flip in the air.
Now he’s a big hero and king of the sty,
but still apprehensive when a gator slides by.

The moral of the story? Act nice and be sweet!
never bite into anything too big to eat,
Don’t bite off more than you think you can chew,
or you might learn too late, it ends up choking you!

And next time you see a pink ‘gator waltz by?
      Remember – they’ll bite in the wink of an eye!
               And, you'll never outrun one,
                        So don't even try!
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